Technology is wonderful and has made our lives easier, more efficient, faster, and more interesting but it also has its downfalls. Some of these include unhealthy family dynamics, decreased workplace productivity, lack of communication skills, and social disconnection, which increases sadness, isolation, and anxiety. Human beings are created to be together and live in community with other people. We require the companionship of other humans to make progress, be happy, and do well in life. Being socially connected with others can relieve stress, anxiety and loneliness but lack of social connection can lead to serious risks to mental health. Social connection increases our quality of life, favorably impacts our physical health, helps us live longer, boosts our mental health, decreases our risk for suicide, loneliness and depression.
Technology and social media have become an important part of our lives and have many enjoyable and positive benefits but can also lead to mental health problems. Social media has a built-in system of reinforcement by activating the brain’s reward center and releasing the “feel-good” chemical, dopamine, which is linked to pleasure centers in the brain. Social media platforms are designed to be addictive and are curated by AI to use our data to keep us captivated and coming back for more hits of dopamine to feel good.
A 2018 research study linked social media use to decreased and disrupted sleep, which is associated with memory loss, poor academic performance and depression. Social media use can directly affect physical health with nausea, headaches, muscle tension and tremors caused by anxiety and depression. Research from Cal State University shows that the frequency of social media use correlates with higher levels of depression, loneliness and feeling socially isolated. Technology and all forms of media need to be handled properly and not become an addiction in our lives or our children’s lives.
Try to unplug this season- you can start with an hour a day and increase it to a few hours a day or one day a week. Make a commitment as a family and set goals for limiting media use. Choose fun activities to do instead of looking at social media, mindlessly scrolling, texting, or playing games on your phone; try board games, cards, swimming, taking a walk, reading, listening to music, going outside to soak up Vitamin D or to look at the stars at night. Celebrate your victories in being able to unplug, no matter how small.